Meet Constance Bush, SOAR’s New Program Assistant

Good news SOAR LLI members! There is a new Program Assistant in town and her name is Constance Bush.  You might see her when you are in the SOAR office, hear her voice when you call the office, or see SOAR content she posted when you are browsing social media.

Constance Bush

Since March 6, Bush has been on the job in the SOAR office working for 15 to 20 hours a week. When Spring 2024 Term starts on April 15, Bush will work additional hours and at some point, will work in the office and remotely.

Bush’s help will be needed in most aspects of SOAR administration. Some of her other responsibilities are assisting with proofreading and editing the course schedules and the Eblasts; assisting committee and Shared Interest Groups; assisting with mailings and correspondence to members, sponsors, and others; and facilitating class and event registration.

Bush summed up her enthusiasm for her job at SOAR in this way: “I like what I do here, and I like what SOAR does for the older population. I’m happy to be here and I’m excited about the program. I’m looking forward to contributing to SOAR’s success.”

According to Bush, part of the reason she was attracted to the Program Assistant position is that it fit in with her past work experience.

“This is very similar to what I’ve done — administrative support in local government and in education,” said Bush. “I thought this job is perfect for me right now. Helping administration so they can concentrate on what they do.”

Outside of SOAR, Bush enjoys being with her husband Joseph, whom she has been married to for 24 years, and with her adult son David. Bush also likes reading biographies and is currently reading Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker.

“I have a lot of books,” she said. “I collect books and I collect autographs.” Bush estimated that she has 25 books that are autographed by the author, and she herself is exploring the possibility of becoming an author.

“I’ve been piddling with writing a book myself,” said Bush. “I’ve had a couple book coaches and a ghost writer, I belong to writing groups that ask me ‘When are you going to write it?’” However, Bush said that she isn’t ready “to put it out there” and she also wants to have a “bona fide publisher,” rather than self-publish.

For exercise, Bush said she usually walks in her neighborhood for about an hour several times a week, sometimes walking with a friend or her husband Joseph.

“My form of relaxation,” said Bush, “is watching cooking shows on TV. I also have enough cookbooks to make a library.

“I like cooking seafood. I make a really nice Trout Almondine. And I like cooking different things. The most recent thing I made was chicken marsala meatballs with pasta, which I made for last Sunday’s dinner.”

Bush said she currently watches cooking shows on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), and in the past has watched shows on the cable channel Food Network. One recipe that Bush makes is from a Food Network show hosted by chef Giada De Laurentis.

It is a white bean chili,” said Bush, “and I make it a lot. It is ground chicken – not spicy because I don’t do well with spices. It is flavorful and nutritious. It has Swiss chard in it and a lot of herbs.” Click here for De Laurentis’ recipe White Bean and Chicken Chili.

After reviewing resumes and interviewing qualified candidates, SOAR Executive Director Debra Yamstein and Curriculum Committee Chair Joseph Kwapisz hired Bush. Yamstein now enjoys having Bush in the SOAR office, assisting her with the administration of SOAR.

“It has been a pleasure having Constance in the office,” said Yamstein. “She walks in every day with a smile on her face and a desire to be helpful. I am really enjoying getting to know her.”

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