
1. What activities does SOAR offer?
SOAR offers a year-round schedule of classes, field trips, special events and shared interest groups to its members.

2. When does SOAR offer classes?

  • Fall Term: 6 weeks in October through November
  • Winter Term: February and/or March
  • Spring Term: 6 weeks in April through May

3. Does SOAR offer programs in the winter?
In February and March, SOAR offers its members a thematically organized, 4-6 week winter term. Classes meet 1-2 days a week. Currently, the winter term is completely virtual.

4. Who is considered an “active” SOAR member?
An active SOAR member is one who has paid the full-term fee and attended classes during at least one of the three SOAR class terms in a year. An active member may continue to receive a USPS mailed SOAR Schedule for two years following the last term they’ve attended. Electronic versions of the class schedule can be found here.

5. How much does it cost to take classes at SOAR?
Students pay a membership fee of $135 for each spring and fall term. This fee entitles members to enroll in in-person classes, plus have access to all virtual/Zoom classes for the term. Fall and Spring Term offer as many as 50 classes each. Starting with Fall Term 2022, students may choose to forego membership and register for single classes. Single classes are $20 each. Most classes meet a single time, for 90 minutes, although some may meet for multiple sessions. Occasionally a class will require an extra fee to cover books, materials or other costs usually noted in the SOAR Schedule.

6. Must active SOAR members pay a registration fee for the Winter Term?
Yes. Members must register and pay a fee for the Winter Term. Fees vary based on the costs of program development.

7. Must I be a SOAR member to attend other SOAR activities?
Yes. Members who pay a membership fee for a given term are also eligible to participate in special events, field trips and shared interest groups during that term. These activities usually require an extra fee to cover such things as meals, admissions, transportation, and administrative costs. These fees are noted in the SOAR Schedule.

8. Does SOAR offer classes in the summer?
SOAR does not currently offer a summer term of classes. However, activities such as shared interest groups, field trips, film festivals and other special events are available to members in the summer.

9. Does SOAR offer classes on weekends and evenings?
Not at this time. Your local school system, community college, municipal recreation department, or The HAWK is the best source of weekend and evening community education classes.


10.  Must I be a SOAR member to attend classes?
No. Non-members can register for individual classes at a per class fee.

11. Can my spouse take classes or participate in other SOAR activities using my membership?
No. Membership is assigned to an individual, not to a household. Your spouse will need to pay either a separate membership or per class fee in order to attend classes. This policy also applies to the virtual Winter Term. Households with two viewers must register for two memberships.

12. Can I bring a guest to SOAR classes?
A member may utilize their guest pass IF the class is “open.” A member should contact the SOAR office by phone or email a day or two in advance of a class to confirm whether or not seats are available. Guests are not permitted to attend “closed” classes.

13. Can I bring a guest to other SOAR activities?
For field trips and special events, registration materials for each activity will indicate whether or not guests can be accommodated. Shared interest groups are open to members only.

14. Can I cancel my membership and receive a refund of my membership fee?
For spring or fall terms, a member may submit a written request for a refund of the membership fee to or mail a request to the office at SOAR, 29995 West Twelve Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48334. The request must be submitted no later than 10 days prior to the start of the first day of classes. A $10 processing fee will be charged for the cancellation.

15. Can I get a refund if I cancel my reservation for a field trip or special event?
Refund requests for Special Events must be received at least one (1) week prior to the event. There will be a $10 service fee for all refunds. Field trips are non-refundable.


16. When does registration open for each term?
Class registration opens approximately 5 weeks before the term begins. Members will receive notice in SOAR’s weekly newsletter alerting them to the start of registration. You may also check the website at or watch for the schedule in the mail for notification that registration is open. If you are new to SOAR, you may join our mailing list by visiting our website at or call the office at 248.626.0296.

17. Is it possible to take more than 5 classes per term?
Yes, members may register for additional classes during open enrollment. Members can sign-up online for as many additional “open” classes as they will attend at no additional cost. After that day and through the end of the term, members are able to sign-up for additional classes online.

18. I only want to register for 2 classes this term. Can I pay a reduced registration fee?
Yes. Beginning in Fall 2022, SOAR will offer a single, pay per class option. This option does not include membership benefits.

19. Will members receive confirmation after registering and paying for classes?
Yes. Those registering for classes online will receive a registration confirmation via email immediately upon completion of the registration process as well as a confirmation letter by mail. Those registering for classes by mail will also receive a confirmation letter by mail.

20. Can I reserve a place in a class before registration begins?
No. You must register for classes when registration opens each term.

21. What is the difference between an “open” class and a “closed” class at SOAR?
An “open” class is one that has available seating to accommodate more enrollees. Classes “close” when the room capacity has been met or when a faculty member sets an enrollment limit for a class.

22. What if the class I want to take is closed?
SOAR does not keep waiting lists for closed classes. Attendance in any course that is closed is limited to those who are formally enrolled. Should seats be available, SOAR members in good standing who are not registered for the course may be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis after all formally- enrolled students have been seated. There are no guarantees that members who are not registered will be allowed into the classroom. In any case, guests are not permitted to attend closed classes and, due to fire regulations, members are not allowed to bring extra chairs into a classroom or to stand at the rear of the room or in the doorway.

23. I plan to register online. Can I use the same e-mail address as my spouse?
No. Every account in the online registration system is linked to an individual, not to a household. Therefore, your spouse will need to have a separate email address and pay a separate registration fee in order to register for classes.

24. What if I want to register online but I don’t know how?
Click on the How to Register heading under the Programming tab on our website to view some helpful videos.  If you still after questions or challenges after you view the videos, call the SOAR office and we will be glad to assist you.

25. Will members receive confirmation after registering and paying for field trips and special events?
Members registering online will receive email confirmation for each field trip and special event. Members registering by mail will receive confirmation notice for field trips by telephone. Special events will not limit attendance to a specific program unless the SOAR Schedule notes that attendance for that program is limited.

26. What if I have to miss a class?
There is no penalty for missing classes—except that you will not receive a refund and you’ll miss out on the information presented that day. Currently, virtual/Zoom classes are recorded, and members would be able to access a class recording if it was missed. In-person classes are not recorded. If you know that you will miss a class, please notify the SOAR office so that another member can fill that place.

27. What if a class, field trip or special event is cancelled?
Registered members will receive notification of the cancellation by email or phone. For classes, efforts will be made to reschedule, based on the instructor’s schedule and the availability of classroom space. If the cancelled class cannot be rescheduled, enrollees will not receive a cancelled class refund. Instead, members have the opportunity to register for an unlimited number of additional “open” classes. Refunds will only be issued for field trips and special events that are cancelled by SOAR.


28. Where are SOAR classes offered?
Most SOAR classes are offered on the 3rd floor of The Hawk, 29995 W. 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 or on Zoom. The Hawk is located between Orchard Lake Rd and Middlebelt Rd on the South side of 12 Mile Rd.

29. Where is my classroom?
After you register for classes, you will receive a confirmation by mail listing the location of each course.

30. Can I record a SOAR lecture?
SOAR lectures are the intellectual property of the instructor and SOAR. In order to record a lecture, you must have the instructor and SOAR’s express consent.

31. Can you accommodate my disability or special needs?
All SOAR classes are offered in accessible locations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please call the SOAR office at 248.626.0296 well in advance of your class to discuss your particular needs.


32. Who do I contact if I would like to teach a class at SOAR?
SOAR accepts proposals from prospective faculty members at any time during the year. For more information or to submit a proposal send an email to

33. What qualifications are required for SOAR faculty?
SOAR seeks experienced speakers with in-depth knowledge of their topics.

General Inquiries

34. Can I take SOAR classes if I have never been to college?
Yes! The only prerequisite is a love of learning.

35. Can I take SOAR classes if I’m younger than age 50?
Yes! SOAR is open to anyone interested in lifelong learning.

36. Will I receive college credit for SOAR classes?
No. SOAR classes are for your personal enrichment. Contact Wayne State University for information about completing a degree, attending non-credit career or professional development programs, or auditing regular WSU classes as a visitor.

37. Are there tests or grades at SOAR?
No. SOAR classes are for your personal enrichment.

38. I’m thinking of joining SOAR. Can I sample a class?
Yes. Please contact the SOAR office at 248.626.0296 or email to request a guest pass to an “open” class.